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Psychological Barriers

Posted by MawdsLeigh in 1st Aug 2016 Tagged in , ,

Psychological barriers are the trap of the mind – it is so limited. Choices, likes and dislikes are projections from the mind and can create enormous amounts of chaos and suffering. It is really something when you look into it.

I was in a meeting recently when someone in that meeting made this statement “I don’t lie, I never lie.” I couldn’t help but laugh which of course triggered a very uncomfortable reaction around the table with both the individual herself and her business colleagues. In all fairness as this person’s lie became bigger, more exaggerated she was only trying to convince herself that this lie was the truth. She did the very best she possibly could to stick with it – how painful this way of behaving is.

I do know what it is like to try to cover our ignorance, sometimes we just don’t know. Lies are so easy, they just roll off the tongue. You can make up anything, invent whatever you like, convince yourself your right and then go home at night still convincing yourself of how wrong the others were and have a nice wee glass of wine just because you feel like one, you don’t need it, you just want one.

What a miserable way to live! It always ends in suffering. It is a dead end. I know, I was at that dead end.

To discover the truth may be very disturbing. You may have to go on a long journey; you sometimes have to risk everything you have and this needs tremendous courage. This is the path that I have chosen. It can be very challenging but I have never felt so alive. I lived many many dead years. Lies don’t need any courage. Any coward can do it, but to discover the truth is risky. You have to risk your life.